If you’re working with a copywriter, you might hear specific terms come up quite often. Let’s take a closer look at those terms. Because knowledge is power, eh?
Let's do this.
Brief: A creative brief is a description of the project that allows the copywriter and designer to complete the project. It will include the scope and goal of the project, a target audience, deadlines, and limitations. You can prepare one on your own before hiring a copywriter. If you don’t have one, the copywriter will often prepare one themselves.
Direct response copywriter: Someone specializing in copy intended to elicit an immediate response.
Conversion Copywriter: Conversion copywriting is copywriting with a specific conversion in mind. This is a term that people often use interchangeably with direct response copywriting.
Organic Social Media Marketing: The free content you see when a business or individual updates their account.
Paid Social Media Marketing: The use of advertisements and sponsored messages on social media platforms.
Lead Magnet: Lead magnets are something of value you offer to prospective clients in exchange for their email addresses. A lead magnet might include an ebook, a webinar, a guide, a product trial, an evaluation, and more.
B2B: business to business.
B2C: business to consumer.
Call to Action: Kind of what it sounds like, it’s a prompt for the consumer to act, such as to subscribe, buy now, learn more, visit a website, and so on.
Funnel: The funnel is a reference to the buyer’s journey. At the top of the funnel is the stage of the buyer’s journey known as awareness. The middle of the funnel is known as consideration. The bottom of the funnel is known as conversion or action.
SEO: Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving your website to appear higher on the search results page. More can be found on this here.
Demand Generation: A marketing strategy to increase brand awareness and interest and build trust.
Lead Generation: The process of increasing the interest in your product or service to transform that interest into a sale.
Lead Nurturing: The process of building a relationship to turn prospective clients into buyers.
Impressions: A measurement of the number of views your content receives.
Open Rate: A measurement of the number of emails opened compared to the number of emails sent.
Click Through Rate: A measurement of the number of times someone sees your content compared to the number of times they click on it.
Conversion Rate: A measurement of the total number of visitors compared to the number of conversions, whether to buy something, download something, or more.
Landing Page: Customized web pages where a prospective customer might land after clicking on a link, such as a link in an email, an advertisement, or another web page.
A/B Split Testing: The testing of two versions of a piece of marketing- often a website or email- to measure which one performs better for the intended audience.
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Email marketing is as crucial as ever.
Emails allow you to build brand awareness, engage with consumers, and get your messages out quickly.
Ok, so they're important, but here's why you NEED an email list. And if you don't have one, here's why you should start building yours.
1. Smartphone Users Prefer Emails
According to Statista, 46% of smartphone users prefer to receive communications from brands via email rather than any other medium.
Think about it.
Do you ever reach for your phone first thing in the morning?
Do you check your email before leaving bed?
If you do, you're not alone.
Almost half of all Americans check their email in the morning before going to work. As many as one out of every three millennials check their email as soon as they wake up. (source, Sleepadvisor.com)
So, with tons of consumers preferring email, it’s time you take advantage of this method of communication.
2. You Own Your Email List
Unlike social media, you own your email subscriber list. Your contacts have given you their permission to email them.
When you send an email out, you know that all those emails are (or should be) reaching the individuals on your email list.
The same isn't true for social media.
Take Facebook, for example. If you post on Facebook, your content will likely reach only a fraction of your following.
Author Thea Harrison has over 17,500 followers on Facebook. Facebook has prompted her to "promote" her content- for a price with the promise that it will "reach up to 586 more potential users."
In other words, they want her to pay for a post that will only reach a maximum of 3.3% of her audience.
Why is this a problem? These are already fans who have liked her page who WANT to get updates from her. And they’re not getting those updates.
Even if you pay to promote your posts for a greater reach, you might still only get your content in front of a fraction of your existing audience.
But with emails, you know that when you send an email to a current email account, there is no gatekeeper restricting your content.
After that, it’s up to you to get them to open it.
3. Email Marketing is Effective
There's a reason why so many companies use email marketing: it works!
Approximately 50% of consumers buy a product or service from their email marketing at least once per month. And 59% believe that email marketing has influenced their purchasing decisions.
The return on investment for email marketing is the highest of any channel. On average, for every $1.00 spent, email marketing brings in a return of $36.00.
Compare that to the following:
SEO marketing: $22.00 ROI per dollar spent;
Magazine ads: $3.94 ROI per dollar spent;
Display ads: $2.63 ROI for every dollar spent
Pay-per-click ads: $2.00 ROI for every dollar spent
So, if you want to ramp up your email marketing, and you’re wondering whether you should hire a copywriter-
(Jedi hand wave: I am the copywriter you’re looking for)-
- keep in mind that email marking is a great investment!

It’s time to cast the 12 Brand Archetypes using characters from the Marvel movies and tv shows!
But first, what are brand archetypes?
Brand Archetypes
The idea of the brand archetype system originates from author and thought leader on archetypal intelligence, Carol S. Pearson.
She describes the system as a way to understand and categorize the people, organizations, and larger world around us. Understanding our own archetypes or that of a brand or another person helps us understand their values and motivations and how each can thrive.
Or, in simpler terms, Hubspot describes brand archetypes as "the personification of your brand values, mission, and story.”
The 12 Archetypes as Marvel Characters
Ok! Now that we have a basic understanding of brand archetypes, let's move on to casting the Marvel characters.
Because that's really what we're here for, right?
Warning: Spoilers ahead!
The Idealist: Captain America
The Idealist has a deeply held set of values and beliefs. They are optimistic, inspirational, and not deterred by any obstacles.
My pick is Captain America for The Idealist.
Captain America is brave, noble, and idealistic. He is the first to throw himself into danger to protect others and fight for what he believes in.
The Hero/ The Warrior: Gamora
The Hero wants to make the world a better place. They love facing and defeating a challenge. They are laser-focused, love adversity, and don't mind working hard toward success.
Gamora gets my vote for The Hero archetype.
The adopted daughter of Thanos, Gamora is a true warrior. She leaves her universe-conquering dad behind to make the galaxies a place free of oppression.
The Revolutionary/The Outlaw: The Iron Man
The Revolutionary is an unconventional thinker and a trailblazer. They are rule breakers who are fulfilled by creating a better approach or solution to a situation.
Tony Stark IS The Revolutionary.
Tony Stark was born to break the rules. When most superheroes keep their identities a secret, Tony announced his hidden identity to the world. And that's just the beginning of his trailblazing ways!
The Creator: The Scarlett Witch
The Creator is an imaginative builder. They love transforming a new idea into something with a tangible impact. They seek to create something of value that will leave their mark in this world.
I’m going with The Scarlett Witch on this one.
After Avengers Endgame, Wanda Maximoff literally creates her own reality to find a happier existence for herself. Her abilities are some of the most powerful in the Marvel universe, as seen by her ability to pull an entire town into her new reality.
The Realist/The Everyman: Rocket Racoon
The Realist/Everyman is driven by the desire to belong to a larger group or community. They are empathetic and find fulfillment in motivating others to do their best.
Ok, hear me out on this one. Rocket may not be the obvious choice for the everyman because he's a sarcastic, hot-headed, orb-stealing raccoon, but he IS driven by a desire to belong to a larger community. You can see his longing to be "normal" and hints of a painful history that involved some serious experimentation. After meeting the Star-Lord and Gamora, he slowly befriends the other Guardians and finds a place where he belongs.
The Sage: Beast
The Sage seeks to understand and find answers. They are innately intelligent and reflective and are excited by challenges that require better understanding.
The Beast gets my vote here.
Hank McCoy is one of many gifted mutants within the X-Men universe. Not only a dangerous opponent in beast form, but Hank McCoy is also a genius and a scholar.
The Jester: Spiderman
The Jester loves to demonstrate their wit and originality. They are playful, spontaneous, and light-hearted. They are motivated by helping others find the value of good times and using humor to dispel stressful situations.
Spider-Man was born for the role of The Jester archetype.
Peter Parker is as witty as he is brave. Armed with one-liners and his spidey sense, Peter always seems to have the best time even when fighting off villains.
The Lover: Black Widow
The Lover is a passionate relationship builder. They seek intimacy with others. They believe in the importance of enjoying life its fullness and are motivated by helping others to find and use their unique talents.
This one may also seem like an unusual choice but I’m going with The Black Widow for this one.
Once a loner assassin and spy, Natasha Romanoff finds a family with the Avengers. She deeply mourned the loss of her fellow superheroes after the showdown with Thanos, eventually sacrificing herself for their return.
The Caregiver: Professor X
The Caregiver wants to make a difference for other people. They are compassionate and nurturing and are fulfilled by responding to those in need.
Professor X is the perfect Caregiver.
The founder of Xavier's School for Gifted Children, Professor X is the leader of the X-men. A gifted telepath, he believes strongly in the idea that humans and mutants can peacefully coexist.
The Magician: Loki
The Magician is a visionary. They see and understand multiple perspectives and are challenged by making dreams a reality. They are excited by transforming and serving as a catalyst for change.
Loki gets my vote for The Magician.
Loki is the God of mischief, a trickster, and a schemer. He finds great delight in being the catalyst for significant change throughout the Marvel universe.
The Ruler: Black Panther
The Ruler is happiest when they are leading, navigating complex situations, and influencing others. They are confident, competent, and most fulfilled about taking control of a problem.
The Black Panther is my choice for The Ruler.
As the King Of Wakanda, T'Challa is regal and responsible. He strives to make his late father proud and shoulders the responsibility of leading and protecting his people with remarkable calm.
The Seeker/The Wanderer/The Explorer: Carol Danvers
Seeker individuals are driven by finding new ideas, new approaches, and new solutions. They are independent, live by their own rules, and crave adventure.
Captain Marvel is the character I would cast for this archetype.
Also known as Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers is a former officer in the U.S. Air Force. Not one to follow others, she is brave, fierce, and an explorer who disappears into the universe for decades before she is seen again.
There are lots of characters to choose from in the Marvel universe! Would you re-cast any of the brand archetypes? Let me know in the comments!
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