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(Copywriting Spec)

The Project: The New Yorker is a print and digital subscription magazine, famous for its social commentary, news articles, and comics. The business objective was to create a three-frame banner ad to drive the target audience- men and women aged 20s-50s who are interested in politics, current affairs, and the arts- to purchase a digital subscription to The New Yorker.


The Strategy:  The first frame seeks to grab the consumer's attention with a headline that is absurd and outlandish. The second frame reveals that the headline is not a verified news story but rather fake news. The final frame calls upon the reader to subscribe to the New Yorker because one's "news source matters." 

Leslie Schlotman | Copywriter | Banner Ad New Yorker Frame 1
Leslie Schlotman | Copywriter | Banner Ad New Yorker Frame 2
Leslie Schlotman | Copywriter | Banner Ad New Yorker Frame 3

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